Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Farewell and Goodbye :(

Well, I have decided that I'm going to stop blogging.  It's pretty time consuming and sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself.  :P  

I thought I'd give this blogging thing a shot and a had a nice, although short run.

Thanks to those who have been reading my blog.  Your loyalty meant a lot to me!


  1. Is this an April Fools? I love your blog. It's fun to read what you say when you talk to yourself. :p

  2. This picture says how i feel about this..

  3. I hope you know that we're officially in a fight if you end this. We're thru! Got it?! (ok, wow that was dramatic... africa has a weird affect on me!) Love you and love reading about you... fo reals, yo.

  4. What would i do without your blog? I Love reading all you are up too and its fun to see the new things you and Aaron buy for the house..or paint. Talking to yoyurself can be quite cathartic I hear..don't quit .

    Love ya, mom :)
