A and I took this class last month called "Extreme Body Makeover." It met for 70 minutes, twice a week, for 4 weeks. It was a TOUGH class that kicked our butts each time. My sister can testify as to the difficulty of the class as she took it once with us when she came to visit. A quote from her: "When we were doing our ab work, I was praying the entire time i'd make it through the class." hehe...
We took measurements the first and last day of class to compare our results. In one month I lost....
- 2 lbs
- 1 inch off my thigh
- 1 inch of my waist
- 1 3/4 inches off my hips
- 1.3% of my body fat
Yeah, i'm pretty happy about that. However, I did manage to GAIN 3/4 an inch on my chest?! I wont be complaining about that though. I'm just happy because I'm back to where I was LAST June :)
So, what's next for me? While A will continue to take the Extreme Body Makeover class for another month, I have signed up for a "Performance Training" package. It consists of 4 different classes to choose from. What is unique is it's almost like having your own personal trainer because the classes can range from 1-5 people. Either way, I will receive some great 1:1 attention. In addition, I have full access to all their top of the line and strength training and cardio equipment which is sure to bring my workouts to the next level. cardio
The best thing about all this is: 1. It's a 6 month program which includes 6 dietitian appointments valued at $450. 2. I get this 100% free as one of the perks for being a mentor at the club. :)
Watch out American Gladiators! I'm coming for ya! ;)
If you've got roomates or a friend you need to get back at, check out this AWESOME prank!
One guy decides to hide in the fridge after telling his roommate that there is a home-made cake inside; watch as the guy climbs into the fridge at 0:12 and then skip ahead to 1:47 to see his roommate go for the cake! The prank works out perfectly…