8 straight hours, 1 small conference room, 4 strong Indian accents, 2 bosses watching, nay, critiquing.... 10 set of eyes on me all day!
Stress? Pressure? You betcha! I never thought this India training would be so grueling, intense, and exhausting.
Today marked my 1/2 point. Two more days! So, I decided to reward myself:

2. Beautifully smooth glass of Syrah
3. A fun-filled night of American Idol!
My reward for completing my training will be to have my husband home again!! :D Everyone say it with me: "Awwwwww!!!" :P
Side Note: I cannot believe I used the words "reward" and "run" in the same post! My how my life have changed! A Year and 1/2 ago, I could have substituted the run for a big ol' package of cookie dough! hehe.
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