Why has it taken me so long to discover the wondrous that is the Magic Eraser? My Dad works for P&G who makes them, and he gave me one years ago. I've heard of the miracles this thing performs but for some reason, never picked it up to see what it could do.... until this weekend. I was cleaning my kitchen this weekend. Not a quick wipe down.... no, this was a 2 hour deep cleaning! So,
I'm scrubbing with my handy dandy sponge and soft scrub and my fingers and biceps are just killing me! I
don't know what made me go back under my sink, but I discovered the Magic Eraser sitting there in the back corner in all it's glory. I picked it up, wet it, and started to scrub with it. I could not believe the stubborn stains that came off without much effort at all!
My stainless steel toaster. You know how after some 100 uses, the top of the toaster starts to 'brown' a little? Magic Eraser and hardly any elbow grease and POOF! it's gone..just like Magic!
The stove top, with yesterdays burnt on food? A little whoosh whoosh and the stove top looks brand new!
The scuff mark on the bamboo floors that wont come off? Magic Eraser to the rescue! Seriously, there is nothing this little foam block can't do. I feel so stupid waiting so long to use this product. I even heard it cleans the stubborn mildew stains in the shower.
So before I start sounding like an infomercial, RUN, don't walk, to your local store and pick one of these little suckers up. Make cleaning fun again! :P
I use that all the time! I use it on my Mac to clean it. Cause it gets so dirty all the time. After I'm done using it my Mac looks Brand new :)