I love that book by Dr. Seuss. So fun!
A and I have been talking about our travel plans for the rest of the year and making budgets to see what we can afford. Here's what we've come up with if your interested:

A's going to head down to Arkansas in mid-
June to see his extended family. I'll stay home and guard the fort. :)

For our 3rd year
anniversary, we'd like to go to Walla-Walla, the wine region in Eastern Washington. We figured it'd be a nice and relaxing way to spend our
anniversary at the end of June.

Ideally, we'd like to go to Chicago the end of Aug (for my
bday) or over Labor Day. We'd love to see our families and friends again. Plus by
bff will be home from Africa and I NEED to see her!

My cousin is getting married in October in New Hampshire and I've always wanted to go to Boston in the fall. Since the two are only an hour away from
each other, A and I will be taking a 9 day trip to Boston - driving to NH for the wedding and spending a few days sight seeing there. We'll also be taking a day trip into Maine.
mmm, lobster!! I CAN'T wait!!

And then there's Christmas! We always go
home for Christmas. Not sure how long we'll stay but at least a week. Perhaps through New Years?! We'll have to see...
I'd also love to sneak in a trip back to Florida sometime soon to see my little Owen!
So there you have it. We had to decide between a 2 week trip through Italy or several mini trips. As you can see, the mini trips won over. Here's to wishing for Italy in 2010?!