Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun Foto Friday

This is Yours Truly, on her first birthday.

Happy Birthday to me! Lets the party begin! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear Brett,

Look, I know we had our falling out when you went to the Jets last year. Thanks for being patient with me and waiting for me to come around to the new idea of seeing you in a different shade of green. All had been forgiven and although I did not agree with your decision at the time, I supported you because it was what you needed and wanted. Love sometimes is about helping someone achieve their hopes and dreams.

However, now things have gotten ridiculous, nay OBSCENE! You've broken my trust, tainted my love and YOU, mr. favre have BROKEN my heart for the last time. All those nights talking to me about your retirement and assuring me "it's over this time, for real" we're all LIES. You have ruined your credibility and trust in your fans, and worse.... in me.

I think of you as joke and as hard as it is for me to say this.... WE ARE THROUGH! No amount of touchdown throws can win my heart back. You are nothing but a big pass interception to me now.

Sure, I'll see you occasionally from a distance and probably have to wipe a tear away from my cheek as I remember all the good times we had together. But i'm doing this for me. You are no longer good for me.

I'm moving on.....
Thats right, #4 is dead to me.... #9 is my new love!

ps. you're going to look like a fairy in purple. Looking forward to the day Lambeau Field boo's you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend Project

I have been wanting booksleves for a while now... They are pretty expensive to buy and we didn't need really nice ones, yet the ones from Ikea look really cheap and we haven't had any luck with the Ikea furniture durability. It's been on our list for over a year for A to build some bookshelves, but it keeps getting bumped down on our priority list.

Even since we've moved to Seattle, our poor books have been suck in boring brown boxes never seeing the light of day. If we'd occasionally need a book or DVD and have to dig through tons of boxes never quite knowing what was in which box.

Eventually, they ended up looking a little something like this:

Yeah, not pretty. So this weekend, A FINALLY built me some bookshelves. He did a fantastic job! I had a blast unloading all the books, organizing them into categories and putting them where they rightfully should have been years ago!

And yes, I alphabetized my DVD's. I'm O.C.D like that.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Making Jam

I had bought a batch of Apricots at Costco but didn't take the time to check them all for their firmness. They were really soft and squishy... not that they had gone bad, but no one like soft and squishy apricots. So, the economical thing to do was make jam.

We started by halfing the apricots:

Then we added some sugar and water to heat to melt the sugar:

Once the sugar was melted, we added the apricots:

Then covered them with the melted sugar:

We let it sit, stirring occasionally:

We waited about 30 minutes, or until the apricots stated breaking down naturally. At this point, we added a little bit of lemon juice and some non sugar pectin to give it a jelly consistency:

We sterilized the jars and lids in boiling water:

Added the jam to the serialized jars:

And VOLIA! Home made apricot jam:

I can't wait until all the blackberries get ripe so we can make blackberry jam next.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fun Foto Friday

lol, cats can be so weird sometimes...  Enjoy your weekend :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's Up Doc?

Woah Carrots! This is the outcome of our first carrot harvest from our garden. They are so yummy!!!

And yes, i'm a dork. A leaves the green stems on so when I eat the carrots, I can be like Bugs Bunny....